Cleanup Controller Deleted Objects

This metric can be used to track the number of objects deleted by the cleanup controller.

Metric Name(s)

  • kyverno_cleanup_controller_deletedobjects_total

Metric Value

Counter - An only-increasing integer representing the number of objects deleted by the cleanup controller.

Metric Labels

LabelAllowed ValuesDescription
policy_nameName of the policy to which the rule belongs
policy_namespaceNamespace in which this Policy resides (only for policies with kind: Policy), For ClusterPolicies, this field will be “-”
policy_type“cluster”, “namespaced”Kind of the rule’s parent policy. Kind: ClusterPolicy or Kind: Policy
resource_kind“Pod”, “Deployment”, “StatefulSet”, “ReplicaSet”, etc.Kind of this resource
resource_namespaceNamespace in which this resource lives

Use cases

  • Monitor the number of resources deleted over time.

Useful Queries

  • Number of resource cleaned up per second per cleanup policy:
    sum by (policy_name, policy_namespace, resource_kind) (rate(kyverno_cleanup_controller_errors_total{}[5m]))

Last modified May 16, 2023 at 9:40 PM PST: fix: metrics docs (#851) (ea09ee2)