All Policies

Policy for PolicyExceptions

A PolicyException grants the applicable resource(s) or subject(s) the ability to bypass an existing Kyverno policy. Care should be taken to ensure that the allowed PolicyExceptions are scoped fine enough and according to your organization's operation. This is a Kyverno policy intended to provide guardrails for Kyverno PolicyExceptions and contains a number of rules which may help with these scoping best practices. These rules may be changed/removed depending on the exception practices to be implemented.

Policy Definition


  2kind: ClusterPolicy
  4  name: policy-for-exceptions
  5  annotations:
  6 Policy for PolicyExceptions
  7 Sample
  8 1.9.0
  9 1.9.0
 10 "1.24"
 11 PolicyException
 12 >-
 13      A PolicyException grants the applicable resource(s) or subject(s) the ability
 14      to bypass an existing Kyverno policy. Care should be taken to ensure that
 15      the allowed PolicyExceptions are scoped fine enough and according to your
 16      organization's operation. This is a Kyverno policy intended to provide guardrails
 17      for Kyverno PolicyExceptions and contains a number of rules which may help
 18      with these scoping best practices. These rules may be changed/removed depending
 19      on the exception practices to be implemented.      
 21  validationFailureAction: Audit
 22  background: false
 23  rules:
 24  - name: single-policy
 25    match:
 26      any:
 27      - resources:
 28          kinds:
 29          - PolicyException
 30    validate:
 31      message: >-
 32        An exception is only allowed for a single policy.
 33        Please create a separate exception per policy.        
 34      deny:
 35        conditions:
 36          any:
 37          - key: "{{request.object.spec.exceptions[] | length(@)}}"
 38            operator: GreaterThan
 39            value: 1
 40  - name: require-match-name
 41    match:
 42      any:
 43      - resources:
 44          kinds:
 45          - PolicyException
 46    validate:
 47      message: >-
 48        An exception must explicitly specify a name for a resource match.        
 49      pattern:
 50        spec:
 51          match:
 52            =(any):
 53            - resources:
 54                names: "?*"
 55            =(all):
 56            - resources:
 57                names: "?*"
 58  - name: require-subject
 59    match:
 60      any:
 61      - resources:
 62          kinds:
 63          - PolicyException
 64    validate:
 65      message: >-
 66        An exception must explicitly specify a subject which is expected to create the resource.        
 67      pattern:
 68        spec:
 69          match:
 70            =(any):
 71            - subjects: 
 72              - name: "?*"
 73            =(all):
 74            - subjects: 
 75              - name: "?*"
 76  - name: no-cross-namespace-exceptions
 77    match:
 78      any:
 79      - resources:
 80          kinds:
 81          - PolicyException
 82    validate:
 83      message: >-
 84        An exception can only be created in the same Namespace as the resource being excluded.        
 85      deny:
 86        conditions:
 87          any:
 88          - key: "{{ request.object.spec.match.[any, all][].resources[].namespaces[] || `[]`}}"
 89            operator: AnyNotIn
 90            value: "{{ request.namespace }}"
 91  - name: namespaced-exceptions-only
 92    match:
 93      any:
 94      - resources:
 95          kinds:
 96          - PolicyException
 97    validate:
 98      message: >-
 99        An exception can only be created for a Namespaced resource, and a Namespace is required.        
100      foreach:
101      - list: request.object.spec.match.[any, all][]
102        deny:
103          conditions:
104            any:
105            - key: "{{ element.resources.namespaces[] || `[]` | length(@) }}"
106              operator: Equals
107              value: 0
108  - name: policy-namespace-match-polex-namespace
109    match:
110      any:
111      - resources:
112          kinds:
113          - PolicyException
114    validate:
115      message: >-
116        An exception may not be provided for a Namespaced Policy in another Namespace.        
117      foreach:
118      - list: request.object.spec.exceptions[]
119        preconditions:
120          any:
121          - key: "{{element.policyName}}"
122            operator: Equals
123            value: "*/*"
124        deny:
125          conditions:
126            any:
127            - key: "{{ element.policyName}}"
128              operator: NotEquals
129              value: "{{request.namespace}}/*"