All Policies

Restrict Edit for Endpoints CVE-2021-25740

Clusters not initially installed with Kubernetes 1.22 may be vulnerable to an issue defined in CVE-2021-25740 which could enable users to send network traffic to locations they would otherwise not have access to via a confused deputy attack. This was due to the system:aggregate-to-edit ClusterRole having edit permission of Endpoints. This policy, intended to run in background mode, checks if your cluster is vulnerable to CVE-2021-25740 by ensuring the system:aggregate-to-edit ClusterRole does not have the edit permission of Endpoints.

Policy Definition


 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: restrict-edit-for-endpoints
 5  annotations:
 6 Restrict Edit for Endpoints CVE-2021-25740
 7 Security
 8 low
 9 ClusterRole
10 1.9.0
11 "1.24"
12 >-
13      Clusters not initially installed with Kubernetes 1.22 may be vulnerable to an issue
14      defined in CVE-2021-25740 which could enable users to send network traffic to locations
15      they would otherwise not have access to via a confused deputy attack. This was due to
16      the system:aggregate-to-edit ClusterRole having edit permission of Endpoints.
17      This policy, intended to run in background mode, checks if your cluster is vulnerable
18      to CVE-2021-25740 by ensuring the system:aggregate-to-edit ClusterRole does not have
19      the edit permission of Endpoints.      
21  validationFailureAction: audit
22  background: true
23  rules:
24    - name: system-aggregate-to-edit-check
25      match:
26        any:
27        - resources:
28            kinds:
29            - ClusterRole
30            names:
31            - system:aggregate-to-edit
32      validate:
33        message: >-
34          This cluster may still be vulnerable to CVE-2021-25740. The system:aggregate-to-edit ClusterRole
35          should not have edit permission over Endpoints.          
36        deny:
37          conditions:
38            all:
39            - key: edit
40              operator: AnyIn
41              value: "{{ request.object.rules[?resources[?contains(@,'endpoints')]].verbs[] }}"