All Policies

Verify Image

Using the Cosign project, OCI images may be signed to ensure supply chain security is maintained. Those signatures can be verified before pulling into a cluster. This policy checks the signature of an image repo called to ensure it has been signed by verifying its signature against the provided public key. This policy serves as an illustration for how to configure a similar rule and will require replacing with your image(s) and keys.

Policy Definition


 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: verify-image
 5  annotations:
 6 Verify Image
 7 Software Supply Chain Security, EKS Best Practices
 8 medium
 9 Pod
10 1.7.0
11 >-
12      Using the Cosign project, OCI images may be signed to ensure supply chain
13      security is maintained. Those signatures can be verified before pulling into
14      a cluster. This policy checks the signature of an image repo called
15 to ensure it has been signed by verifying
16      its signature against the provided public key. This policy serves as an illustration for
17      how to configure a similar rule and will require replacing with your image(s) and keys.      
19  validationFailureAction: Enforce
20  background: false
21  rules:
22    - name: verify-image
23      match:
24        any:
25        - resources:
26            kinds:
27              - Pod
28      verifyImages:
29      - imageReferences:
30        - "*"
31        mutateDigest: true
32        attestors:
33        - entries:
34          - keys:
35              publicKeys: |
36                -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
37                MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE8nXRh950IZbRj8Ra/N9sbqOPZrfM
38                5/KAQN0/KjHcorm/J5yctVd7iEcnessRQjU917hmKO6JWVGHpDguIyakZA==
39                -----END PUBLIC KEY-----